Romanian Deadlift vs Deadlift: Key Differences Unveiled

Connor Sellers
Published by Connor Sellers | Senior Coach
Last updated: March 11, 2024
FACT CHECKED by Benedict Ang, CPT, PN1-NC
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Suppose you are like me and dedicate a significant amount of time to the gym. In that case, you are probably familiar with the ongoing debate between the standard deadlift vs. the Romanian deadlift, both vying for the title of the ultimate exercise.

Pulling from the experience of my colleagues and me at Total Shape, I wrote this article to delve into the battle of RDL vs. deadlift and determine which exercise reigns supreme in developing raw power, building muscle mass, and enhancing overall performance.

Let’s begin.

Quick Summary

  • The conventional deadlift is a versatile exercise that enhances core strength, coordination, and range of motion in the hips and knees, while the Romanian deadlift focuses more on the hamstrings and glutes.
  • To differentiate and optimize muscle development, incorporate either Romanian deadlifts for targeted glute and hamstring engagement or conventional deadlifts for comprehensive posterior chain muscle work.
  • Research by the NIH indicates that Sumo deadlifts, a variation of the conventional deadlift, are particularly effective for athletes with longer torsos, offering a leverage advantage.
  • In my view, the choice between Romanian and conventional deadlifts should align with personal fitness goals and the specific muscle groups one wishes to emphasize.

What Is The Difference Between the RDL and the Deadlift?

A man in a deadlift position

The main difference between the RDL and the deadlift is the starting position and the specific muscles worked.

In doing a Romanian deadlift properly, you start in a standing position, holding the weight in front of your hips, whereas a conventional deadlift starts with you bent over, picking up a weight, usually a barbell, from the floor.

Additionally, the Romanian deadlift works the glutes and hamstrings more precisely than the traditional deadlift, which works more of the posterior chain as a whole.

Let’s take a look at each exercise.

Conventional Deadlift

A man doing the conventional deadlift

Conventional deadlifts are crucial for building strength and offer numerous benefits.

This exercise promotes core strength, improves coordination and agility, and increases hip and knee range of motion.

As a fitness trainer, I find them highly adaptable, offering numerous variations to suit my clients' needs and goals.

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Muscles Worked

You will build lower and upper body strength by performing the conventional deadlift.

Here are the muscles you are working on:

  • Trapezius
  • Back
  • Abdominals
  • Glutes
  • Hips
  • Adductors
  • Quadriceps
  • Hamstrings

How To Perform A Traditional Barbell Deadlift

Here’s how to do it:

  • With a barbell in front of you, stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Hinge at hips to bend forward and take hold of a barbell.
  • Push your feet firmly into the floor as your hips drop back.
  • Press hips forward to come into a standing position.
  • Hold the bar below the hips, keeping legs, back, and knees straight.
  • Bend your knees and push your hips back.
  • Squat down to place the bar on the floor with your shoulders slightly in front of the weight.
  • Repeat for the desired number of reps.

Proper Deadlift Form

I advise keeping your chest lifted and your spine long during the lift to effectively target your glutes and legs.

Common errors I see include relying on your back rather than your hips, rounding your spine, and lifting excessive weight.

Benefits Of The Classic Deadlift

A woman doing the classic deadlift
  • Strengthens glutes and muscles, stabilizing spine
  • Strengthens adductors and hamstrings, aiding hip extension
  • Reduces risk of a lower back injury during heavy lifting
  • Enhances grip and forearm strength
  • Improves ability to lift heavy items
  • Burns calories due to activating large muscle mass
  • Increases confidence with heavy lifting

“Deadlifts are an exercise that involves picking a barbell or other training tool off of the floor. They use the largest muscles in your lower body and train the ability to safely lift objects off of the ground.”

- Tyler Read, BSc, CPT

Romanian Deadlift

A muscular guy doing Romanian deadlift

The Romanian deadlift helps build core and lower-body strength.

Unlike the traditional barbell deadlift, squat, and lunge, which can strain the anterior portion of the knees, Romanian deadlifts concentrate on extending the hip and knee using the posterior leg muscles.

Muscles Worked

The hamstrings and glutes are targets of the Romanian deadlift more than the standard deadlift.

You will also engage your forearm flexors, which, according to the National Institute of Health (NIH), are responsible for pronation, wrist abduction, and flexion [1].

How To Perform A Romanian Deadlift

Here’s how to do it:

  • Hold the bar at thigh level with an overhand grip.
  • Pull your shoulders back and maintain a straight spine.
  • Push your hips back while lowering the bar towards your feet.
  • Press your hips forward and raise to a standing position with a barbell in front of your thighs.
  • Repeat for the desired number of reps.

Proper Form

A man doing the proper form in doing the Romanian deadlift

If you do the Romanian deadlift properly, you will feel your glutes, hamstrings, and abductors working.

  • Avoid rounding your back; keeping it straight throughout the entire range of motion is essential.
  • Avoid looking in the mirror while performing the Romanian deadlift, as it could cause serious injury from neck rotation and torque on the spine.
  • Keep the neck in a neutral position and look towards the floor when hinging forward at the hips.

Romanian Deadlift Benefits

I find it highly beneficial to include RDL (Romanian Deadlift) exercises in strength-training routines. They offer a clear demonstration of standing hip flexion/extension and proper squatting or bending form.

These techniques are not only valuable for various resistance exercises but also essential for daily activities such as picking things up or bending over.

This exercise activates the hips, preventing injury to the spine and improving grip strength and forearm strength.

“Unlike the conventional deadlift, you perform the Romanian deadlift with only a slight bend in the knees. The stiffer leg position in the Romanian deadlift puts more emphasis on the hamstrings than the conventional deadlift.”

- Roxie Jones, NASM-certified Personal Trainer

Tips to Avoid Injury

A man choosing the right amount of weight to avoid injury

To maximize the benefits of deadlifts and prevent injury, follow these tips to ensure proper form:

  • Avoid heavy weights; start with light weight to perfect form.
  • Gradually increase load over time.
  • Engage core muscles to prevent back strain.
  • Let arms hang naturally instead of pulling the bar against thighs.
  • Bend knees slightly to target hamstrings and avoid knee strain.
  • Use a weightlifting belt to support the low back.
  • Arms and back should remain straight while engaging core muscles.
  • You can use an overhand or mixed/alternating grip with one palm up and one palm down.
  • Use wrist braces for heavier loads.
  • Lifting straps can be used for increased grip strength.
  • Exercise caution; pay attention to any pain experienced during or after exercise.
  • Keep the bar close to the body throughout the entire range of motion.
  • Movements should be slow and controlled, avoiding jerky movements.

Common Deadlift Variations

A man doing sumo deadlift in the gym

You can swap out the traditional barbell in both the regular deadlift and the Romanian deadlift.

You can use alternate weights like dumbbells and kettlebells.

Additionally, you can add these common variations to your deadlift exercise rotation.

Sumo Deadlift

Sumo deadlifts are a variation that requires a much wider stance, with feet turned 45 degrees or more outward.

The wider stance results in increased activation of the inner thigh muscles in doing this exercise, giving some athletes a leverage advantage.

Research by the NIH suggests that athletes with longer torsos can lift more weight through sumo deadlifts [2].

Stiff-Leg Deadlift

The stiff-legged deadlift variation involves keeping your knees almost straight, with the raising and lowering motions coming from hinging at your waist.

According to the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, this variation emphasizes your hamstring muscles more than other deadlift variations [3].

Hex Bar Deadlift

A woman doing a hex bar deadlift

Hex bar deadlifts have a movement pattern like a traditional deadlift but use a hexagonal-shaped bar and a suitcase-style grip, allowing for a more natural hand position and keeping weight in line with the rest of the body.

An NIH study suggests it allows individuals to lift greater weight, increasing strength and power gains [4].

Single-leg Deadlifts

The single-leg deadlift motion is similar to a standard deadlift, but one leg remains straight at the hip and extends behind, while core muscles remain engaged to maintain a straight torso position and balance.

Research by NIH shows that single-leg deadlift warm-ups may reduce markers of muscle damage after training sessions [5].

Nutritional Synergy for Optimal Performance

Nutritional strategies play a crucial role in complementing the training for exercises like Romanian Deadlifts and Deadlifts, which are intensive and engage multiple muscle groups. Here are some key nutritional insights for muscle recovery, energy optimization, and injury prevention:

  1. Protein Intake for Muscle Recovery: Consuming adequate protein is crucial for muscle repair and growth. After workouts involving deadlifts, it's beneficial to consume a protein-rich meal or shake. Sources like whey protein, chicken, fish, tofu, and legumes are excellent choices. Aim for around 1.6-2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight daily.
  2. Carbohydrates for Energy: Deadlifts are glycogen-depleting exercises. Including a good source of carbohydrates in your diet ensures you have the energy for these workouts. Whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes provide a sustained energy release. Timing carbohydrate intake before and after workouts can enhance performance and recovery.
  3. Healthy Fats for Joint Health: Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish oil, flaxseeds, and walnuts, can help with joint health and reduce inflammation, which is crucial for exercises like deadlifts that put significant stress on joints.
  4. Hydration for Performance and Recovery: Adequate hydration is essential for optimal performance and recovery. Water helps in nutrient transport and waste removal from muscles. Ensure you're well-hydrated before, during, and after workouts.
  5. Micronutrients for Overall Health: Vitamins and minerals play a vital role in muscle function and recovery. Magnesium, for instance, aids in muscle relaxation and can help prevent cramps. Calcium and Vitamin D are important for bone health. A balanced diet with a variety of fruits and vegetables can ensure adequate micronutrient intake.
  6. Timing of Meals: Consuming a balanced meal 2-3 hours before training can provide the necessary energy. Post-workout, aim to eat within 30-60 minutes to optimize muscle recovery with a mix of protein and carbohydrates.
  7. Anti-inflammatory Foods for Recovery: Incorporating anti-inflammatory foods like turmeric, ginger, berries, and green tea can help reduce muscle soreness and aid in recovery.
  8. Adequate Caloric Intake: Especially for those engaged in heavy lifting like deadlifts, ensuring you're consuming enough calories to support your training load is essential. Under-eating can lead to fatigue and increased risk of injury.


Are Romanian Deadlifts Harder Than Deadlifts?

Romanian Deadlifts are harder than traditional deadlifts because the bar does not completely stop on the ground, and the emphasis is on eccentric movement.

Which Deadlift Is Best for Back?

The best deadlift for the back is the conventional deadlift, as it effectively targets the entire back, including the erector spinae muscles, and promotes overall back strength and stability when performed with proper form.

Is a Romanian Deadlift Better Than Conventional Deadlift For Hypertrophy?

The Romanian deadlift can be better than the conventional deadlift for hypertrophy in the hamstrings. Both the deadlift and Romanian deadlift will promote muscle growth, but the traditional exercise targets more muscle groups.

Do Deadlifts Build a Big Back?

Deadlifts effectively build a big back by targeting major muscle groups, including the latissimus dorsi, traps, and erector spinae, promoting overall back strength and size through compound movement and significant muscle engagement.


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About The Author

Senior Coach
Connor Sellers holds a degree in Kinesiology and Exercise Science from Rutgers University He is an author and personal trainer with the mission to inspire people to relentlessly pursue their fitness and lifestyle goals. He mantra is that staying fit has an overall positive effect on one’s body, mind, and spirit.
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Benedict Ang, CPT, PN1-NC
Staff Writer & Senior Coach
Benedict Ang, CPT, PN1-NC is an ex-National Soccer player turned MMA and Kickboxing champion, with ACE CPT and PN1-NC certifications. His advice is rooted in education and experience, ensuring that readers receive scientific and battle-tested insights. His mission is to empower his clients and readers to realize their potential and become the best versions of themselves.
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Dr. Kristy June Dayanan, BS, MD is an author with a BS degree from University of the Philippines and an MD from University of Perpetual Help System. Her ability to simplify medical science complexities and dietary supplement jargon for the average reader makes her a valued medical fact checker and reviewer.
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